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Open Innovation

Making it easy for ambitious organisations to innovate, by helping them navigate the innovation landscape and collaboratively leverage R&D pathways and Catalyst’s uniquely placed innovation expertise to solve real problems, grand challenges and create opportunities.

Making innovation easy

We begin with discovery and empathetically exploring your company, and its particular challenges and develop an understanding set against the current landscape.

We understand that for SMEs and Larger Multinationals, there is a wide spectrum of expertise, time, resources, and innovation maturity, which impacts their ability to innovate. Our unique proposition is to make it easy for companies across all scales and sectors to innovate at pace; by acting as an extension of their teams.

Every challenge is unique and therefore there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to innovation, however, we factor in the following to get a baseline in scoping out your innovation requirements:

Understanding your organisation and competition landscape

  • Applying our Open Innovation methodology to understand your business’s innovation maturity
  • Addressing your current market dynamics
  • Mapping your key stakeholders and decision-makers
  • Scoping resources and road-mapping your bespoke innovation pathway

Navigating the Innovation Journey for Businesses in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland-based businesses of all sizes, encounter numerous challenges that have the potential to steer their innovation journey off-track. This includes accessing growth support, building networks, identifying opportunities, and managing people – limiting their ability to innovate at pace within a sector.

In addition, many businesses are also structured, led, and resourced for productivity, but this may – as a direct result, inhibit innovation. Balancing the need for innovation, while maintaining optimum operations, is not easy to do in a silo, and some businesses believe the answers lie within their own company. Those with ambition have a hunger to innovate at pace, to stay competitive and lead, but this takes more than having time, space, and resources to ideate. Innovation at pace is only truly unleashed, when there is the right network, with the right partnerships to solve the right problems, removing risk, sharing responsibility and reward.

Our Services

Review Innovation Readiness – We examine a business’s current practices, resources, structures, and innovation activities. Using stress-tested, industry-benchmarked frameworks to assess innovation maturity and readiness across key criteria. From here, we set strategic KPIs and measures and identify tangible opportunities.

Energise and Evolve Innovation Culture – We support team and individual innovation readiness and lead the co-design of internal practice with business teams that empower employees to engage, learn, lead, and contribute to innovation, culminating in enhanced systems, tools, and communications. We enable this through proprietary programs, workshops, and design blueprints, paving the way for a re-energised and re-focused innovation culture.

Curate a Collaborative Research and Development Network – The spirit of Open Innovation is in sharing, knowledge, skills, and resources. We open external networks across enterprise, academia, and research, enabling the potential for the successful delivery of new innovations. Collaborative efforts through consortiums with complementary skills, ambitions, and domain expertise are prioritized, enabling shared growth, risk, and reward. Our network is Northern Ireland’s largest active innovation ecosystem, and we can leverage local, national, and international networks to the benefit of all who engage in Open Innovation with us.

Learn more about Open Innovation

Reach out to us and learn how Open Innovation can help your organisation

Our Team

We are a highly skilled and experienced hands-on team, focused on 'doing' over theory. We have deep expertise in entrepreneurship, innovation brokerage, collaborative R&D partnerships, and user-centred design.

Mark McAleer

Mark McAleer

Quality Experience Manager

Mark McAleer is the Quality Experience Manager within the Open Innovation team at Catalyst... read more
Mark McAleer

Mark McAleer

Quality Experience Manager

Mark McAleer is the Quality Experience Manager within the Open Innovation team at Catalyst.

He develops the business systems on that we work with making improvements on how we can better serve our members and entrepreneurs. Within the Open Innovation team, he acts as a consultant to companies providing support on their business systems with focus on Innovation Management.

Prior to working with Catalyst Mark worked as a product designer and mechanical engineer in the Life and Physical Science industries developing products for universities and research institutions.

Outside of his main career he has held roles in youth work running youth clubs in his local area and worked as a consultant supporting start-ups and small business in various areas covering engineering, design, and strategy.

During Covid he freely gave his time on various projects, the most significant being designing face masks that were used throughout Northern Ireland supporting NHS staff and key workers.

Helping people is a huge motivator for what he does and who he wants to be throughout his career.

Natasha O’Hea

Natasha O’Hea

Innovation Lead

Natasha O’Hea is Innovation Lead for the North West Region in the Open Innovation Team. ... read more
Natasha O’Hea

Natasha O’Hea

Innovation Lead

Natasha O’Hea is Innovation Lead for the North West Region in the Open Innovation Team. Her role is pivotal in driving innovation and fostering collaboration in the region.

In her role, Natasha leads the Corporate Innovation Services offered by the Open Innovation Team. She works closely with organisations to define their innovation goals and then collaborates with them to develop and implement the most effective strategies to achieving these goals. Her focus spans across 3 key areas: Innovation Culture, Innovation Practice, Innovation Strategy. Addressing these critical aspects, Natasha helps organisations foster a thriving innovation ecosystem.

Passionate about supporting the growth and economic development of the North West Region, Natasha is an advocate for collaboration and knowledge sharing. She actively promotes partnerships among businesses, public sector and academia to foster cross-pollination of ideas and drive collective progress in the North West Region.

Emma Carson

Emma Carson

Project Administrator - Open Innovation

Emma is the Project Administrator in the Open Innovation team at Catalyst. Currently Emma ... read more
Emma Carson

Emma Carson

Project Administrator - Open Innovation

Emma is the Project Administrator in the Open Innovation team at Catalyst.

Currently Emma is working on the Inclusive Innovation Skills Programme designed to help young people develop life skills to fulfil their potential.

Emma studied at St Mary’s University College Belfast where she earned a BA degree in Business Studies. She is passionate about inspiring young people to fulfil their potential and has various certificates on mental health and wellbeing in young people including a life coaching and mindfulness Diploma.

Patrick McIlveen

Patrick McIlveen

Head of Entrepreneurship

Patrick McIlveen is Catalyst’s Head of Entrepreneurship – He is responsible fo... read more
Patrick McIlveen

Patrick McIlveen

Head of Entrepreneurship

Patrick McIlveen is Catalyst’s Head of Entrepreneurship – He is responsible for overseeing the successful delivery of programmes such as Hello Possible, Basecamp Boston, and INVENT, which are designed to create opportunities for new entrepreneurs and support the rapid scaling of start-ups.

Patrick has held various roles at Catalyst over the past five years, joining as manager of a digital hub project before moving to become Programme Associate for its Co-Founders programme and then an Innovation Lead in Catalyst’s Open Innovation team.

His career includes, being a co-founder of a property technology focused startup operating in the London market and he is currently a Department of Education appointed Director at the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education.

Learn more about Open Innovation

Reach out to us and learn how Open Innovation can help your organisation

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      Catalyst - © 2025