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Applications for this tender have now closed

Facilitation services to collaboratively set and achieve 3 needle-moving goals for the Northern Ireland economy.

Location: All Catalyst Locations

Deadline: June 17, 2024

Have a question?

Contact: anne.rainey@wearecatalyst.org

To collaboratively set three transformative 2035 BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals – Jim Collins) for Northern Ireland, define Catalyst’s and partners’ commitments and the path to achieve them.

In March 2022 the Catalyst Board of Directors set a bold new direction for Catalyst to evolve the organisation from a successful first twenty five years as a science park that pioneered entrepreneurship support in Northern Ireland into a new mission to make it easier for Catalyst’s extensive network of established companies and aspiring entrepreneurs to innovate, all within the context of a new vision, “opportunity for all from world leading innovation” establishing the importance of inclusion to Catalyst.

With strong initial execution of the new strategy underway, two things have become clear if Catalyst is to be successful in genuinely moving the needle for the Northern Ireland economy towards the vision:

1. 3 long-term goals (BHAGs) need to be set that more narrowly define Catalyst’s focus and provide important context for setting 3-year targets along with years 1 and 2 milestones,
2. if the goals were to be truly needle-moving, Catalyst cannot achieve the goals alone. Collaboration with partners in setting and delivering the goals will be critical.

The three 2035 BHAGs will be in the following areas:
• Innovation-Driven Enterprise (IDE) entrepreneurship
• Inclusive entrepreneurship (innovation-based)
• An Open Innovation grand challenge

This plan intends a dynamic and focused approach to define the three BHAGs within a short timeframe, utilising an agile and highly collaborative Theory of Change process to maintain momentum and quality of outputs.

A Theory of Change (ToC) is an explicit theory of how and why it is thought that a social policy or program activities lead to outcomes and impacts. ToCs are used in the design of programs and program evaluation, across a range of policy areas.

The Submission Deadline for this tender is 5pm on Monday 17th June 2024 and should be submitted by email to tenders@wearecatalyst.org, with the subject heading “Facilitation Services – 3 Needle Moving Goals”.

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