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Applications for this tender have now closed

Appointment – Provision of Internal Audit Services

Location: All Catalyst Locations

Deadline: August 30, 2024

Have a question?

Contact: jenna.white@wearecatalyst.org

Catalyst wishes to engage a service provider to provide Internal Audit services for an initial three-year period, with the possibility of an extension to extend for a further 2 years on an annual basis.

Catalyst is headquartered on a 25-acre site in Titanic Quarter, Belfast. We have facilities at our Northwest Regional Campus, a 2-acre site in Derry/Londonderry, which is also the hub of a cross border economic initiative with the Campus of Atlantic Technology University.

In total we have 2,700 entrepreneurs, engineers, researchers, and executives working across our locations. Catalyst’s programmes support the development and scaling of a wide group of 900 high tech entrepreneurs throughout Northern Ireland.

With the accelerating growth of new companies, we have ambitious plans to expand our physical infrastructure. Working with our partners, our objective is to build a strong innovation community focusing on clusters in the sectors where our region can have global competitive advantage.

We are on the threshold of an exciting future and together we aim to drive this momentum and work to deliver our shared vision of Northern Ireland leading the world in key sectors.

Submission Details
The Submission Deadline for this tender is 5pm on Friday 30th August 2024 and should be submitted by email to tenders@wearecatalyst.org, with the subject heading “Internal Audit Services”.

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